Meet Jill

Jill guides people in how to naturally relieve stress and tension by rebalancing their nervous systems through somatic, breathing, meditation, and sensory brain-based practices. In other words, re-establishing coherent functioning of the main control system for the body and mind, the brain. When our nervous system is reset to a more relaxed pace, life becomes easier. This is what she wants to pass on to you - greater enjoyment of life and living.

Jill’s Journey
People always ask me what benefits I’ve gained from the services I offer. To be honest, I only teach and offer sessions for practices that I’ve found beneficial after a lot of researching and trying out different approaches (something I’m known for.) So, here’s the skinny:  

Clinical Somatic Education
Hands down the best in releasing chronic neural tension that manifests as pain and tension in the body. After several car and surfing accidents I experienced years of pain from whiplash, a twisted hip, sciatica, back pain, and shoulder nerve compression. Daily practice of somatic movements worked wonders. The pain is gone as is sciatica. My hip is now in a neutral position, and my shoulder is back to normal.  

Behavioral Breathing
After a lot of stress and overwork I found myself sighing a lot and experiencing a sense of not being able to get enough air along with anxiety and physical tension. After studying many different breathing methods over a few years, I was introduced to behavioral breathing and was finally able to bring my breath back to normal. My anxiety dissipated, sleep improved, and I felt so much more relaxed.  

I’ve been meditating with one technique or another for most of my life. Aside from the well-documented benefits of relaxation, etc. I’ve found meditation to be an ever-expanding exploration of the spiritual dimensions of life.  

No matter how much I try and like yoga and going to the gym, my body just doesn’t! However, I needed some form of exercise aside from walking and Qigong has been a great alternative. My body is already limber from practice of Somatic Movement, so I find that Qigong is wonderful for building energy and strength.    

BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Technique)  
When I first heard about this technique, I was curious if the claims of quick relief from anxiety, phobias, etc. could actually be true. I’m happy to report that yes, this method offers fast relief from all sorts of emotional/psychological issues. It has really helped me with life-long performance anxiety.

So there you have it in a nutshell!

Jill is Certified as a Clinical Somatic Educator (Essential Somatics), Breathing Behavior Analyst (The Graduate School of Breathing Sciences,) Breathwork Practitioner (Alchemy of Breath,) Breathing Coach (Breathe Your Truth, Yoga Teachers College,) Meditation Teacher (NeuroMeditation, Intuitive Meditation, and Transcendental Meditation,) BWRT Level 1 Practitioner (BWRT Institute,) and Leadership and Transformation Coach (The Hendricks Institute.) She is currently in teacher training with Holden Qigong and has extensive training and additional certifications in brain and sensory integration, massage therapy, and body-mind coaching.

Schedule a 20-Minute Discovery Call

Schedule a free 20-minute discovery session on Zoom. Discover more about the benefits of these offerings and how they apply to your unique situation. Feel free to ask questions and share specifics about what you're wanting to resolve.

Or email me at and I'll get back to you within one business day.